software by design
There is the age-old wisdom which states “A failure to plan is a plan for failure.” At DAMA we believe that the planning process is the most important component in delivering a perfect piece of technology in line with the customer’ expectations. Through our experience we have found that extensive planning ensures an effective project management tool and ensures a comprehensive solution is supplied. Effective planning also ensures that the deliverables are kept on time, in specification and within the agreed budget. Planning the solution ensures that the correct technologies are deployed within the given environment of the client.
Database Administration

The database administrator (DBA) is usually a dedicated role in the IT department for large organisations. However, many smaller companies that cannot afford a full-time DBA usually outsource or contract the role to a specialized vendor, or merge the role with another in the ICT department so that both are performed by one person.
The primary role of database administration is to ensure maximum up time for the database so that it is always available when needed. This will typically involve proactive periodic monitoring and troubleshooting. This in turn entails some technical skills on the part of the DBA.
Technical Support

Technical support is always available, albeit in various different guises. Our business model for larger clients will include a support developer on site during business hours. Certain customers may even have more than one developer on site for desktop and technical support. Small additions and / or changes can then be done quickly and efficiently.

DaMa Process Automation provides specialised management consulting services to our clients to enhance and align IT with main business strategies.
By supporting our vision of process automation, and practising an ethos of honesty and integrity built on strong partner relationships, our mission is to supply software by design to our customers.
Together with our partners, we bring a wealth of experience in designing solutions specific to the customer’ needs.
Together we have experience and knowledge of a wide spectrum of Information Technologies and their synergy with business operations and future strategies.
Why DaMa Process Automation?

Why DAMA Process Automation?
1. Doing business with us is easy.
We bring you structure and a dedication, but without the bureaucratic hassles.
2. Your development calls for the highest level of technical security.
We understand the risks. Development and design is done with this in mind.
3. You're looking for a partner with integrity.
Honesty, reliability and trust is what we build relationships on.
4. We offer a wide level of expertise.
Talent, dedication and expertise in a collaborative environment ensures the client always gets the best from the team.
5. DAMA is built on the TEAM concept.
We are collaborative within our team but understand the synergy that is needed with our customers. At DAMA we value your ideas, input and questions.
Network Services

In our years in the industry we have come across some very talented networking specialists who have always been able to supply the correct solutions for our clients who did not have such a facility in-house. These companies and individuals are always willing to work wth us and to support our customers as well.
Hardware Support

DAMA is able to offer specialised hardware and network support by promoting one of the reputable companies we have had the pleasure in working with.
We have relationships with many hardware suppliers and as such are also able to introduce our clients to these suppliers who we know and trust.